
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

WIP Wednesday #58

This hasn't been a terribly exciting sewing week unfortunately. I had to finish up a big work project, so most of my sewing projects from last week were on hold until Monday. Since then, it's been about just getting through the "have to do" parts of these projects: cutting and interfacing. But things are shaping up nicely, and I'm excited to rock these in the next week.
These piles represent the start of the new Go Anywhere bag and wide-open pouches I'm making (both gifts). Tonight, they're headed for the sewing machine!

And you know what's one of the great benefits of working from home? Going downstairs during your lunch break to sort fabric. These piles are the start of the Cat baby quilt, which is coming up right after the bag and pouches are done. I'm so ready for this one. Mmm ... rainbows.
And, well, because yeah. Just this. We are so pumped about the warmer temps that have come our way this week. Get outside!

On the "to do" list:
Cat baby quilt
Mystery HST quilt
T-shirt quilt
Kitchen Window quilt
New tie for B (with a tutorial, finally!)
Superhero cape for B
Re-covering the downstairs chair
New pillows for the downstairs chairs
A mug rug for me
Ironing board cover
Another divided basket from the Noodlehead pattern 
Reusable snack bags
Living room quilt
Washi dress

This week, I'm linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. It's like Spring today, and yet I know too soon it will be gone. Good luck with your bag, pouches and soon to be quilt. It's all a good start.

  2. Your pouch fabrics are great! I, too enjoyed the sunshine in my studio today.

  3. Your color palette for the bag and pouches is wonderful!!!!

    What a cute,cute little boy you have!!

  4. I love the colors. Grey and teal, yummy! What is that fabric with the yellow centered arches? I like that one too.

    1. Thank you! The arch fabric is one of the new Patty Young (ModKid) premium fabrics from Joanns. It's called Peacock Gardens. Looks like the teal is sold out online, but I just bought mine in the store a week or two ago, so hopefully you can find it, too:



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