
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Beckett's seven-month update

Beckett, you're seven months old today!
(Well, Mommy's a few days late. You turned seven months on the 12th.)
You've tried lots of new foods this month, and you're a champion eater. So far, you've tried rice cereal, bananas, avocados, mangoes, applesauce, peaches, pears, carrots, green beans, broccoli, squash, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and beets.
You can hold a bottle like a pro, and you're working on your sippy cup.
Thanks to all of those new solids you've been eating, you took a big jump up in your weight this month. You weighed 15 lb, 14 oz at your six-month pediatrician appointment, and now you weigh 17 lb, 10 oz. Big, strong boy!
This month, you ventured into a pool for the first time. Your first try was at the indoor pool at our old gym, and last week you tried the outdoor pool in our new neighborhood. You were a little unsure at first, but you really seemed to like it by the end.
The biggest change in our lives this month was our move into a new home. We bought our first house!
Grammy came to visit you and help during the move. You were a bit overwhelmed by all of the changes, but you loved having her around, and you really seem to like the new house.
Especially your new swing!
With the move to the new house, we also put your high chair together, so now you're eating in style. It makes you feel like a big boy, sitting at the table with everyone.
You're proving to be a real momma's boy, and I'm loving the extra cuddles. :)
You've discovered lots of new toys this month, and you love picking out the ones you want from your toy box.
And you strike the silliest poses while you're playing.
You finally seem to have some teeth coming in. We're not sure if that's a good thing or not. :)
You had lots of play dates this month with your friends Ben, Ava, and Natalie, and you met your newest friend, another Nathalie!
We also discovered you love being outside on the grass, especially in the evenings and with lots of people around. We hang out in the yard and have taken you to several outdoor food events and concerts, where you've had a great time.
You're a very strong sitter now, but you're starting to get a bit restless, and you're showing signs of starting to think about crawling. You're working on scooting across the hardwood floors on your bottom.
You're a super giggler, and we love listening to you laugh.
When you're not cuddling with Momma, you love having guy time with Daddy.
You're a wonderful baby!
Little man, you are the sweetest, smiliest, cutest baby we've ever met, and we love you so!